Finishing The Dream – A Wetwheels Journey - To Barrier Free Boating

Finishing The Dream – A Wetwheels Journey - To Barrier Free Boating

Image: Geoff at the wheel


Wetwheels provides the opportunity for all disabled people, including those with profound and complex disabilities, to access the sea in a safe, stimulating and rewarding way on board specially-built, fully-accessible powerboats.            


After months of planning and preparation, adventurer and Wetwheels Founder Geoff Holt MBE DL, has set sail from St Katherine’s Dock, London in a record-breaking challenge - Finishing The Dream.


Geoff and his team are circumnavigating the UK with a goal of raising £1.2M allowing for 4 new Wetwheels boats, offering life-changing experiences to over 5,000 of the most profoundly disabled people, each year.


Geoff has dedicated his life to providing access to the sea for disabled people, demonstrating that there are no limits to our dreams.


“Having spent 40 years in a wheelchair, paralysed from the chest down, the sea has been my salvation, the freedom and independence I get when I am afloat, I can forget about my disability.


I have devoted most of my life to promoting the opportunities and benefits sailing offers disabled people and now this is my opportunity to spread that message.


As we leave Wales and head to Northern Ireland, then Scotland, I am really looking forward to each stage, although I am very much aware of the challenges not least the physical and mental impact on myself, but also the difficult logistics for our shore team, including my wife Elaine - and our dog Wilf!


Hopefully this will inspire people to donate to achieve my Vision for the Wetwheels fleet - see you on the waves! Thank you".


To join us for our Celebration Dinner on Thursday 27th June or for more information: Email 

Click here to donate £20 towards Geoff's Finishing the Dream challenge 

-  helping provide 5,000 new life-changing experiences for people with profound and complex disabilities.


Click here to learn more about the Wetwheels Foundation




Thank you to our sponsors : The Stelios Philanthropic Foundation - Hugh James LLP - Raymarine - RS Marine Group