Fickle breeze keeps UniCredit Youth America’s Cup fleet ashore Sunday

Fickle breeze keeps  UniCredit Youth America’s Cup fleet ashore Sunday

A teasing light weather system sat over Barcelona today with bruised, early morning clouds delivering rain to the area before clearing in the afternoon, leaving mere zephyrs across the racecourse of the UniCredit Youth America’s Cup. As a result, the fleet of AC40s were held ashore at the outstanding facilities of the ‘nou’ Port Olímpic, leaving the best youth sailors in the world itching to get racing although realistic about the situation.


Dealing with a typical autumnal transitional period on the Mediterranean, the Race Committee were on the water all afternoon with the distinctive red UniCredit marks laid and monitoring the wind as it slowly transitioned from an easterly breeze to a more southerly direction. Unfortunately the wind limit of 7.5 knots for the AC40 yachts, failed to be sustained for any significant period and at 1610, the decision to abandon racing for the day was made by Race Director, Iain Murray.


The schedule for today had been for the final two races in Group B (Invited Teams) to be completed first, ahead of a planned four races for Group A (America’s Cup Teams) who, to date, have completed four races in their opening series.

As it stands at the moment, in Group A the teams from Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, NYYC American Magic and Athena Pathway occupy the podium positions whilst amongst the Invited Teams, Swedish Challenge powered by Artemis Technologies, Andoo Team Australia and Spain's Sail Team BCN are in the automatic qualification places for the Semi-Finals.


The points are desperately tight in both divisions, so when racing gets underway the competition is going to be intense as those Semi-Final spots are decided – with the top three teams from Group A and Group B going through to compete in a four race series.  

The Race Committee, having abandoned for the day, postponed today’s schedule to tomorrow Monday September 23 with the forecast models showing an improved weather window in the early afternoon as the airflow stays in the south, with some conflict about its exact settled direction, and potentially building to 11-15 knots later in the day.



Group B Race 7 scheduled start is 14:10 
Intention is 2 races for Group B followed by 4 races for Group A