Cherbourg-en-Cotentin finish confirmed for next two Rolex Fastnet Races

Cherbourg-en-Cotentin finish confirmed for next two Rolex Fastnet Races

Image: Cherbourg-en-Cotentin will continue to host the finish of the legendary Rolex Fastnet Race © Arthur Daniel/RORC


The Royal Ocean Racing Club has announced that for 2025 and 2027 the port town of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin will continue to host the finish of the famous biennial Rolex Fastnet Race. The 2025 Rolex Fastnet Race will be held during the Club’s centenary year when another record entry is expected.


The 51st edition of the Rolex Fastnet Race starts from the Royal Yacht Squadron line on Saturday 26th July, 2025, prior to the annual Cowes Week festivities.


From seven participants in its first edition in 1925, the 2023 Rolex Fastnet Race attracted a record 430 boats. For the next edition, the RORC is planning for an even larger international fleet. Entries for the 2025 Rolex Fastnet Race are expected to be even higher due to the 100th anniversary of the Royal Ocean Racing Club and the return of the Admiral’s Cup.


Since 2021, the Rolex Fastnet Race finish has been in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin due to the port’s outstanding facilities which can accommodate the world record fleet. The Rolex Fastnet Race has the support of the City, the Communauté d’Agglomération du Cotentin, and the Département de la Manche & Région Normandie. 


Cherbourg-en-Cotentin is one of France’s great Channel ports, closely linked to naval history and transatlantic adventures, and the Cotentin coast is home to many prominent water sports events. 


“Continuing to bring the Rolex Fastnet Race finish to Cherbourg retains the established attractions of the marine facilities, the town and surrounding Cotentin peninsula as part of the legendary offshore race,” commented RORC Commodore Deb Fish.  “The Race Village in Cherbourg will once again provide superb modern facilities for competitors and play host to thousands of race fans from all over the world.”  


"The Normandy Region is delighted to announce the arrival of the 2025 and 2027 editions of the Rolex Fastnet Race in Cherbourg-en-Cotentin. It's a beautiful showcase for Normandy, which is increasingly establishing itself each year as a region of sailing, open to the sea. We are particularly proud to support the organisation of this race, which brings together the biggest names in sailing and contributes to the promotion of this sector where the Region realises over 6 million Euros each year,” commented Hervé Morin President of Région Normandie. 


"La Manche is a rich maritime area and knows how to host great events. It demonstrated it this year with the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings and the passage of the Olympic Flame through the department. It is therefore with great enthusiasm that after a record 2023 edition we will once again welcome in 2025 and 2027, both at sea and on land, the legendary international sailing race of the Rolex Fastnet Race. Our common strategy was to make sailing a strong development core aim for our territory and we can confirm that we have succeeded in our strategy for the future, » said Jean Morin, President of Département de la Manche.

"Welcoming the Rolex Fastnet Race for the next two editions places the Cotentin on the map of major offshore races in France. With our 220 kilometres of coastline, hosting this legendary sailing race is an opportunity to show our maritime strengths. Indeed, our nautical infrastructures make the Cotentin a prime playground for all sailors. Here, in the ‘Terre Bleue,’ we grow up with the sea and the rhythm of the tides. The sea has shaped our identity and contributes to our prosperity and dynamism. This event offers the opportunity to celebrate our relationship with our Anglo-Irish neighbours and reminds us that we share the same common space: The Channel,” commented David Margueritte, President of l’Agglomération du Cotentin.


"For its 100th anniversary, the Rolex Fastnet Race confirms its arrival to Cherbourg-en- Cotentin. By setting course for our port and France since 2021, the legendary event has given itself a new lease of life. And it's a success: the finish is now a huge party in a town whose heart beats to the rhythm of the sailors. We're giving this unique fleet and its crews welcome recognition, and this race establishes Cherbourg-en-Cotentin as one of the great ports of ocean racing. It's further proof that the two shores of the Channel have so much in common,” commented Benoît Arrivé City Mayor of Cherbourg-en-Cotentin.